News and Features

David Meltzer Office Hours Show.

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Authors Unite

In an interview in Miami with Tyler Wagner, founder of Authors Unite. Lizet her story about her journey to create Successfuly, her challenges as an entrepreneur and how people should be brave and not deny their passion and dreams.


Fashion Magazine - Paris, France.

(French) Fashion magazine feature. In this article Lizet shares the most common challenges most fashion entrepreneurs face. How they can start their brand gradually, what aspects they should prioritize, prepare for their growth, test their products and develop their business for success in a more realistic manner.

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Simplifying Life for Success.

I’m sure that after surviving 2020, you’ve probably done some reflecting about your life, what aspects you would like to improve, and which you would like to change entirely. For many of us, 2020 brought opportunities to reinvent ourselves whether we liked it or not. So, since it’s technically still a new year, we’re right on time to make some adjustments. If you’re reading this, you most likely want to simplify your life without compromising on quality, and perhaps you feel you’re finally ready to make some things happen once and for all.